Sample Custody Agreement Ontario

When it comes to custody agreements, it is essential to have a well-written and detailed document that outlines everything related to your child`s care, including their living arrangements, communication with the other parent, and how decisions will be made regarding their welfare.

If you are a parent in Ontario looking to draft a custody agreement, it is crucial to understand the legal requirements and guidelines surrounding custody arrangements. The following is a sample custody agreement that can be used as a starting point for your agreement.


This custody agreement is made on [insert date] between [insert names of parents], both of whom are residents of [insert city and province]. This agreement pertains to the care and custody of [insert child`s name], born on [insert child`s date of birth].

Legal Custody

The parents shall share joint legal custody of the child, meaning that both parents shall have equal rights and responsibilities concerning the child`s upbringing, education, medical care, and welfare. Both parents shall have the right to make decisions regarding the child`s life and will consult with one another before making any significant decisions.

Physical Custody

The child shall reside with [insert name of parent] on alternating weeks, starting on [insert start date]. The parents shall coordinate the exchange of the child on the agreed-upon date and time and shall provide each other with at least two weeks` notice of any changes to the custody schedule.


Both parents shall have the right to communicate with the child via telephone, email, video chat, or in-person visits (if agreed upon in advance). The non-custodial parent shall have the right to visit with the child for [insert duration] once a week, as agreed upon by both parents.

Child Support

The parents shall share the financial responsibility of providing for the child in proportion to their respective incomes. The parent with whom the child does not primarily reside shall pay child support equivalent to [insert percentage]% of their gross monthly income. The child support payments shall be made on [insert payment schedule].

Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute concerning the child`s care or custody, both parents shall attempt to resolve the issue through mediation before seeking court intervention.

Modification and Termination

This custody agreement shall remain in effect until the child reaches the age of majority, or until another agreement is reached. Either parent may request a modification of this agreement in writing, and both parents shall make good faith efforts to reach a mutually agreeable solution. This agreement may be terminated if both parents agree to a different custody arrangement or if a court order supersedes this agreement.


A well-written custody agreement is essential for ensuring the best interests of your child are met. By using this sample custody agreement as a starting point, you can work with your co-parent to create a specific arrangement that is suitable for your unique situation. Remember, it`s always best to consult with an experienced family lawyer before finalizing a custody agreement to ensure that all legal requirements and guidelines are met.