Personal Training Agreement

Personal Training Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re considering hiring a personal trainer, it`s essential to have a personal training agreement in place before you start working together. This document outlines the terms and conditions of your training sessions and protects both you and your trainer.

What is a Personal Training Agreement?

A personal training agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between a personal trainer and their client. It sets out the expectations of both parties, including fees, cancellation policy, and any other rules that need to be followed during your training sessions.

Why is a Personal Training Agreement Important?

A personal training agreement is necessary to ensure that both you and your trainer are on the same page, and there are no misunderstandings regarding the training process. It protects both parties by establishing clear expectations and outlining each person`s responsibilities.

What Should be Included in a Personal Training Agreement?

There are several essential elements that should be included in a personal training agreement, such as:

1. Trainer Information: The name and contact information of the trainer, including their certifications and qualifications.

2. Client Information: The name and contact information of the client.

3. Training Schedule and Location: The agreed-upon schedule for training sessions and the location of the training.

4. Fees: The cost of the training sessions, including payment schedules, late fees, and cancellation policies.

5. Health and Safety Information: Information about the client`s health status, any medical conditions or injuries, and any special requirements or restrictions.

6. Liability and Insurance: Details about who will be responsible for any injuries or accidents that occur during the training sessions, and whether or not the trainer has liability insurance.

7. Termination: The circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement.

8. Acknowledgment: Both parties must sign and date the agreement to acknowledge that they have read and understood its contents.


As a consumer, it`s essential to protect yourself and your investment in personal training. Having a personal training agreement in place will help ensure that you receive the services you expect and that your trainer delivers on their promises. Be sure to read the agreement carefully and ask any questions you may have before signing. With a clear agreement in place, you can focus on achieving your fitness goals with confidence.